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Life coaching has been such a great experience for me! Jenn has really helped me realize habits and patterns and ways I’ve been getting in my own way for so long, and helped me figure out ways to change these long-standing behaviors. She has taught me about living in my “essence” rather than operating out of fear, which has really helped me become a much more aware parent and partner, and I’m learning how to apply it to every challenge I face in work and home life. Life coaching has been helping me in literally EVERY facet of my life, be it directly, or indirectly-  I was definitely skeptical, or maybe just didn’t understand what life coaching was all about, but it feels kind of like being in therapy- but I’m my own therapist, and Jenn is my guide? I love having a partner to hold me accountable to goals I set for myself! 


I am very grateful to be working with life coach, Jennifer O'Connor. Her guidance has helped to open up new productive modes of thought, allowing me to tap into my essence and purpose. One particular exercise she introduced (discovering the words that define my essence) directly resulted in a life-changing, fulfilling employment opportunity. Our weekly calls have given me more of an organized, structured approach to meeting my goals. She's a good person, knowledgeable and personable. She establishes a comfortable, confidential environment to help work through the personal hurdles that can slow progress. I can attest to the benefits of her coaching and I give Jennifer the highest of recommendations. Thank you.


– PAUL, NJ  


I just wanted to say what an amazing coach Jenn is.  She has helped me see clearly on the things that I'm avoiding or putting in my own way of being successful. 

The coaching really makes you become aware of those obstacles and ways to over come them to be the person you want to be. Going over the exercises with her is eye opening, fun, and enlightening. They really make you dig down deep and really think with clarity and purpose.  We all have it in us to be better people and to do more, the coaching helps you to realize just how within reach that is, with a little help. 

I would recommend Jennifer she has a great way about her that makes you motivated but yet at ease and comfortable to open up to. 



Enlightening, compassionate, engaging, sensitive and smart— just some of the words that I would use to describe Jenn and the coaching I received. Jenn was able to give me concrete tools that helped me gain a clear path to reaching my goals. She helped me to see that some of the things that I was doing were holding me in place rather than moving me forward. I would highly recommend Jenn for life coaching. Wish I had done this a long time ago, thank you Jenn!



“If you say so, Bridget.” Jenn said a lot of really powerful things to me during our coaching, but somehow this phrase broke chains I didn’t even know were holding me down. She opened my eyes about how the narratives of my life were self-written, limiting, and not necessarily truthful. Indeed, it is what I say. I get to say so. Thank you, Jenn.



Jenn came into my life at just the right time with just the right guidance and perspective and positive support. She helped me dig deep, reflect, set goals and see myself in a fresh light, all leading to the happier, more focused person I am now. Thanks Jenn!



Jenn coined these characters for me: “Chicken Little Madonna”, “Short-Circuited Robot”, and “Heartless Ghandhi”.  It was after two weeks of exploring what makes me sad, and what makes me angry.  We were doing an exercise to figure out what my survival mechanisms were, and I was excited to hear what she thought mine were. 


Eventually, I have come to love and appreciate my survival mechanisms.  They’re part of me, they’ve protected me, and yes, they help me survive.  I know I no longer have to FEAR them the way I used to. And they are always part of any project I know will take me out of my comfort zone. 


Thank you, Jenn, for naming them so perfectly. 


If you’re reading this and are curious as to how to count on your survival mechanism, as you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, I highly recommend you let Jenn guide you to that answer. It’s one of her gifts. 



Jenn is an incredibly talented life coach and has been invaluable in helping me achieve concrete, fast results. With her support and encouragement I designed my first client website which gave me the confidence I needed as a graphic designer to create my own personal website. This in turn landed me a new job. All of this was accomplished in under 5 months. I couldn't be happier with the results and can't sing her praises enough. She has not only been an amazing coach but also a caring mentor. She sees your potential and helps you achieve it.



I am so grateful for Jenn and the Coaching she provided me.  I was initially a little hesitant whether I wanted to make the investment, but now realize there is no better investment than investing in yourself. 


She helped me identify roadblocks, look at an issue from a different perspective and be accountable for making a change, if a change was warranted. Jenn is easy to talk to and be completely honest with – no judgment at all, ever!  


She helped navigate me through my journey with cancer and face the challenge with strength, courage and optimism. Not only is she a Coach, she is also a tremendous supporter, encourager and motivator.  


I loved discovering my true essence and life purpose and I intentionally live by them each day.  I realize that life will forever be a work in progress, but Jenn has given me the tools to make it my best life and to ultimately find the true happiness that I deserve. 


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